Table 3

Incidence of illness by job category for staff supporting the Team USA across all combined Games periods (Tokyo 2020 SOG, Tokyo 2020 SPG, Beijing 2022 WOG, Beijing 2022 WPG)

Total staffStaff daysIllness frequencyPercentage of staff with an illnessIncidence per 1000 staff days95% CI
Lower limitUpper limit
Sport coaches, managers, equipment staff589929291.
Sports medicine and performance406828192.
Sport operations44211 519112.
Communications and media165339721.
USOPC/NGB executive and miscellaneous101200011.
  • NGB, National Governing Body; SOG, Summer Olympic Games; SPG, Summer Paralympic Games; USOPC, United States Olympic and Paralympic Committee; WOG, Winter Olympic Games; WPG, Winter Paralympic Games.