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The GRIPP intervention for golfers7

General instructions
  • Perform the movements in a controlled manner

  • Repeat all exercises 10 times for both sides

  • Use a short club (iron 7–9)

  • Stop the exercises if you feel any pain

Exercise 1—Leg swing
Embedded ImagePosition the club on the side of the swing leg. Swing the leg forwards and backwards slowly and gently. The free arm is moving in the opposite direction. The upper body stays still while moving the arm and leg.
Focus: Hip and shoulders.
Additional explanation in the exercise video: Pointed extra on the upper body that must stay still during the performance.
Exercise 2—Arms in the air!
Embedded ImageStand upright with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold the club with both hands at the ends. Bring your arms above your head without bending the elbows, then slowly lower the arms. It is important to stay upright in your torso.
Focus: Shoulders and back.
Additional explanation in the exercise video: Keep the club straight. When you have difficulty with lifting, just move within your ability.
Exercise 3—Arm rotations
Embedded ImageHold the club vertically with both hands next to each other. Rotate the club anti-clockwise and return to the original position to rotate clockwise. It is important to hold arms straightened. After 10 repetitions, switch hands.
Focus: Forearms and shoulders.
Additional explanation in the exercise video: Keep arms straight and hold hands together.
Exercise 4—Sidewards bending
Embedded Image

Hold the club with both hands at the end and bring it overhead. While breathing out, move sidewards gently with the club to the left and back to a neutral position. On the next breath, move out to the right.
Focus: upper body.
Additional explanation in the exercise video: Don’t move forwards or backward during sideward bending.
Exercise 5—Rotation of the upper back
Embedded ImageAssume the golf stance and hold the club at the far end. The upper body and club will be turned to the left and right (semicircle). It is important to keep the lower body still.
Focus: Upper body and lower back.
Additional explanation in the exercise video: None
Exercise 6—Powerful rotation
Embedded ImageStand firm with feet shoulder-width apart and hold the club at the far end with both hands. The club will be ‘pushed’ from the lower left (left knee height) to the high right by rotating and pushing with the legs. After 10 repetitions, switch to the other side and move from low right to high left.
Focus: Whole body.
Additional explanation in the exercise video: None
  • GRIPP, Golf Related Injury Prevention Programme.