Table 4

Baseline comparison in spatiotemporal and kinetic variables between the involved and uninvolved limbs in runners who have sustained an injury (n=107)

VariablesUnitInjured limbNon-injured limbMean differenceP valueCohen’s d
Leg lengthm0.91±0.060.91±0.069×10−60.914<0.01
Step lengthm1.03±0.131.03±0.133×10−40.914<0.01
Contact timems280±30279±31−0.20.9140.01
Flight timems450±35450±350.20.9140.01
Duty factor%38.3±3.338.3±3.4−0.030.9140.01
Vertical displacement of CoMmm78.2±11.878.6±11.50.370.7560.03
Vertical stiffnesskN/m38.1±5.337.9±5.3−0.220.7560.04
Peak vertical forceBW2.26±0.212.27±
Peak breaking forceBW0.33±0.060.33±0.060.0010.9140.02
Peak propulsive forceBW−0.26±0.06−0.26±0.05−4×10−40.9140.01
Time to VIPms36.4±5.735.9±5.4−0.50.5180.10
  • P values are adjusted according to Benjamini-Hochberg.25 Values are mean±SD.

  • BW, body weight; CoM, centre of mass VALR, vertical average loading rate; VILR, vertical instantaneous loading rate; VIP, vertical impact peak.