Variable | B (95% CI) | Control period M (SD) | The period leading up to the injury M (SD) |
S-RPE (au) | 0.26 (−0.49 to 02) | 351.04 (12.33) | 326.19 (9.76) |
Average HR (bpm) | 0.28 (−0.49 to −0.05) | 71.73 (3.11) | 64.38 (2.25) |
TD (m) | 0.24 (−0.44 to −0.03) | 2851.3 (134.7) | 2523.3 (107.3) |
ACC (ne) | 0.23 (−0.43 to −0.02) | 312.45 (15.22) | 278.77 (11.79) |
IA (ne) | 0.28 (−0.51 to −0.04) | 34.42 (1.81) | 30.00 (1.54) |
VIA (ne) | 0.34 (−0.69 to −0.02) | 6.35 (0.54) | 5.40 (0.36) |
DEC (ne) | 0.24 (−0.44 to −0.04) | 350.33 (16.80) | 309.82 (12.99) |
ID (ne) | 0.22 (−0.56 to .04) | 32.84 (2.21) | 28.73 (1.70) |
VID (ne) | 0.32 (−0.54 to −0.08) | 7.08 (0.49) | 5.96 (0.39) |
HIRd (m) | 0.21 (−0.44 to .03) | 237.72 (12.38) | 212.53 (12.19) |
HSRd (m) | 0.21 (−0.44 to .03) | 105.57 (6.81) | 93.13 (6.04) |
Sd (m) | 0.28 (−0.52 to −0.02) | 35.85 (3.12) | 29.46 (2.78) |
Msd (m) | 0.31 (−0.55, −0.07) | 4.20 (0.75) | 3.06 (0.42) |
Acc, accelerations (>0,5 m/s2); au, arbitrary units; B, unstandardised beta coefficient; bpm, beats per minute; CI, credibility interval; Dec, decelerations (< −0); HIRd, high-intensity running distance (15−19.79 km/hour); HSRd, high-speed running distance (19.8−24.79 km/h); IA, Intense accelerations (>2 m/s²); ID, intense decelerations (<−2 m/s²); m, metres; Msd, maximal sprint distance (>29.8 km/h); ne, number of efforts; PPp, posterior predictive p-value; Sd, Sprint distance (24.8–29.9 km/h); S-RPE, session rate of perceived exertion; TD, total distance (>0 km/h); VIA, very intense accelerations (>3 m/s²); VID, very intense decelerations (<−3 m/s²).