Host city | Afternoon (15:00–18:00 hours) | Sunset | Evening (18:00–21:00 hours) | ||||||||
Temperature | Humidity | WBGT* | Temperature | Humidity | WBGT† | ||||||
Min | Max | Min | Max | Min | Max | Min | Max | ||||
Atlanta | 20°C | 29°C | 60% | 22°C | 30°C | 20:45 | 17°C | 25°C | 73% | 15°C | 23°C |
Boston | 14°C | 24°C | 70% | 18°C | 26°C | 20:20 | 12°C | 20°C | 78% | 11°C | 18°C |
Dallas | 23°C | 33°C | 56% | 19°C | 33°C | 20:30 | 21°C | 29°C | 67% | 18°C | 26°C |
Guadalajara | 18°C | 30°C | 49% | 20°C | 29°C | 20:36 | 15°C | 28°C | 68% | 13°C | 25°C |
Houston | 23°C | 32°C | 77% | 26°C | 34°C | 20:20 | 22°C | 28°C | 82% | 21°C | 26°C |
Kansas City | 18°C | 28°C | 68% | 16°C | 30°C | 20:45 | 14°C | 24°C | 77% | 13°C | 22°C |
Los Angeles | 16°C | 26°C | 60% | 19°C | 27°C | 20:00 | 15°C | 20°C | 78% | 13°C | 18°C |
Mexico City | 13°C | 26°C | 60% | 16°C | 27°C | 19:33 | 11°C | 23°C | 71% | 9°C | 21°C |
Miami | 24°C | 32°C | 69% | 26°C | 33°C | 20:08 | 22°C | 28°C | 79% | 20°C | 26°C |
Monterrey | 27°C | 36°C | 51% | 27°C | 35°C | 20:28 | 21°C | 29°C | 67% | 18°C | 26°C |
New York/New Jersey | 17°C | 26°C | 67% | 14°C | 28°C | 20:23 | 12°C | 21°C | 80% | 11°C | 20°C |
Philadelphia | 17°C | 27°C | 64% | 20°C | 28°C | 20:24 | 14°C | 24°C | 81% | 13°C | 22°C |
San Francisco Bay Area | 13°C | 25°C | 67% | 17°C | 27°C | 20:28 | 9°C | 20°C | 80% | 8°C | 19°C |
Seattle | 12°C | 21°C | 69% | 16°C | 24°C | 21:11 | 9°C | 18°C | 76% | 8°C | 16°C |
Toronto | 12°C | 23°C | 62% | 15°C | 25°C | 20:53 | 7°C | 19°C | 77% | 6°C | 17°C |
Vancouver | 11°C | 19°C | 63% | 15°C | 21°C | 21:20 | 9°C | 17°C | 79% | 8°C | 16°C |
Estimates based on average environmental data recorded in June between 2012 and 2021.
WBGT risk categorised according to Football Australia guidelines; green: low risk, yellow: moderate risk and red: extreme risk.
WBGT was calculated using the formula provided by
*Under the assumption of full sunshine (990 w/m2 of solar radiation) and light wind (1.5 m/s).
†Under the assumption of light wind (1.5 m/s).
FIFA, Fédération Internationale de Football Association; max, maximum; min, minimum; WBGT, Wet Bulb Globe Temperature.