Table 2

Perceived impact of AC and personal experiences with nutrition and AC

Men (n=107)Women (n=194)P value*Men (n=383)Women (n=729)P value*
Do AC disrupt, interrupt or avoid running training?0.014<0.001
 Never36 (34)34 (18)125 (33)147 (20)
 Seldom41 (38)76 (39)147 (38)263 (36)
 Sometimes25 (23)68 (35)93 (24)240 (33)
 Often5 (5)14 (7)16 (4)67 (9)
 Always0 (0)2 (1)1 (0)12 (2)
Do AC disrupt, interrupt or avoid running in competitions?0.3620.038
 Never43 (40)56 (29)157 (41)235 (32)
 Seldom13 (12)25 (13)60 (16)110 (15)
 Sometimes9 (8)17 (9)19 (5)52 (7)
 Often3 (3)6 (3)3 (1)14 (2)
 Always0 (0)0 (0)1 (0)3 (0)
Does eating before or during running increase AC?0.017<0.001
 Yes80 (75)170 (88)256 (67)566 (78)
 No25 (23)22 (11)123 (32)155 (21)
How does eating before or during running increase AC?
 Eating too much before running58 (54)132 (68)0.017203 (53)447 (61)0.008
 Eating too little before running15 (14)30 (16)0.73629 (8)73 (10)0.180
 Eating shortly before running52 (49)124 (64)0.010179 (47)391 (54)0.029
 Eating during running22 (21)38 (20)0.84048 (13)98 (13)0.669
 Eating specific food products that cause me complaints19 (18)57 (29)0.02669 (18)179 (25)0.013
Does drinking before or during running increase AC?0.147<0.001
 Yes38 (36)87 (45)94 (25)263 (36)
 No69 (65)105 (54)288 (75)458 (63)
How does drinking before or during running increase AC?
 Drinking too much before running23 (22)62 (32)0.05462 (16)188 (26)<0.001
 Drinking too little before running16 (15)29 (15)0.99923 (6)65 (9)0.087
 Drinking during running10 (9)28 (14)0.20330 (8)73 (10)0.233
 Drinking specific drinks that cause me complaints9 (8)20 (10)0.59325 (7)55 (8)0.533
Do you take measures to reduce AC?<0.001<0.001
 Yes35 (33)105 (54)134 (35)345 (47)
 No72 (67)89 (46)248 (65)382 (52)
Which measures do you take to reduce AC?
 Not eating (too much) just before running25 (23)87 (45)<0.001101 (26)274 (38)<0.001
 Drinking well before and/or during running14 (13)36 (19)0.22254 (14)105 (14)0.891
 Avoiding specific foods or drinks22 (21)65 (34)0.01866 (17)201 (28)<0.001
 Defecating before running18 (17)59 (30)0.010100 (26)210 (29)0.341
 Decreasing running intensity15 (14)36 (19)0.31548 (13)110 (15)0.246
 Other5 (5)18 (9)0.15018 (5)68 (9)0.006
  • Data are presented as n (%).

  • *P values were obtained with a Pearson χ2 test; statistical significance (p<0.05) is indicated in bold.

  • AC, abdominal complaints; LAC, lower abdominal complaints; UAC, upper abdominal complaints.