Table 3

Personal and running characteristics in runners with and without abdominal complaints during and/or up to 3 hours after running

No UACUACP value*No LACLACP value*
Men (n=891)n=784n=107n=508n=383
Age, years48 (38–57)44 (32–56)0.01550 (39–58)44 (35–55)<0.001
Height, m1.82 (1.78–1.87)1.83 (1.78–1.87)0.7011.82 (1.78–1.87)1.82 (1.78–1.87)0.976
Weight, kg76 (71–82)75 (70–82)0.58176 (71–82)75 (70–81)0.129
BMI, kg/m222.8 (21.5–24.5)22.8 (21.4–23.8)0.42322.9 (21.6–24.5)22.7 (21.4–24.1)0.075
Running level<0.0010.126
 Beginner13 (2)3 (3)9 (2)7 (2)
 Intermediate, not competitive552 (70)66 (62)366 (72)252 (66)
 Competitive (in age group)216 (28)34 (32)131 (26)119 (31)
 (Semi)professional3 (0)4 (4)2 (0)5 (1)
Running years0.0750.122
 <1 year10 (1)2 (2)3 (1)9 (2)
 1–2 years52 (7)10 (9)32 (6)30 (8)
 3–5 years136 (17)17 (16)80 (16)73 (19)
 6–9 years159 (20)21 (20)104 (21)76 (20)
 ≥10 years426 (54)55 (51)287 (57)194 (51)
Running, km/week35 (25–50)33 (24–50)0.87135 (24–50)35 (25–50)0.523
Longest distance per week (km)16 (12–21)16 (12–25)0.59615 (12–21)16 (12–21)0.063
Intensity most intensive training0.040<0.001
 Moderately intensive179 (23)18 (17)137 (27)60 (16)
 Intensive394 (50)48 (45)251 (49)191 (50)
 Very intensive211 (27)41 (38)120 (24)132 (35)
Warming up (yes)492 (63)77 (72)0.17313 (62)256 (67)0.200
Other sports besides running in the past year (yes)407 (52)52 (49)0.697250 (49)209 (55)0.147
Women (n=1095)n=901n=194n=366n=729
Age, years44 (33–52)38 (28–48)<0.00146 (37–54)41 (30–51)<0.001
Height, m1.70 (1.65–1.75)1.70 (1.65–1.74)0.4681.70 (1.65 – 1.75)1.70 (1.65 – 1.74)0.842
Weight, kg63 (58–69)63 (58 – 68)0.34164 (59 – 70)62 (58–68)0.012
BMI, kg/m221.6 (20.3 – 23.3)21.7 (20.2 – 23.4)0.71622.0 (20.4–23.6)21.5 (20.2 – 23.3)0.033
Running level0.5210.184
 Beginner28 (3)9 (5)13 (4)24 (3)
 Intermediate, not competitive734 (82)156 (80)306 (84)584 (80)
 Competitive (in age group)135 (15)27 (14)47 (13)115 (16)
 (Semi)professional4 (0)2 (1)0 (0)6 (1)
Running years0.0180.077
 <1 year22 (2)7 (4)11 (3)18 (3)
 1–2 years66 (7)27 (14)22 (6)71 (10)
 3–5 years193 (21)46 (24)71 (19)168 (23)
 6–9 years203 (23)35 (18)79 (22)159 (22)
 ≥10 years417 (46)79 (41)183 (50)313 (43)
Running, km/week25 (17–40)27 (15–40)0.36625 (16–35)25 (18–40)0.013
Longest distance per week (km)12 (10–16)14 (10–18)0.31612 (10–16)13 (10–180.126
Intensity most intensive training0.0220.022
 Moderately intensive255 (28)38 (20)117 (32)179 (24)
 Intensive469 (52)106 (55)179 (49)396 (54)
 Very intensive177 (20)50 (26)70 (19)157 (22)
Warming up (yes)571 (63)122 (63)0.098230 (63)463 (64)0.755
Other sports besides running in the past year (yes)613 (68)125 (64)0.332243 (66)495 (68)0.616
  • Data are presented as median (25th–75th percentile) for continuous variables and n (%) for categorical variables.

  • *P values were obtained with a Mann-Whitney U test for continuous variables and a Pearson χ2 test for categorical variables; statistical significance (p<0.05) is indicated in bold.

  • BMI, body mass index; LAC, lower abdominal complaints; UAC, upper abdominal complaints.