Table 2

Exposure and hamstring injury data in teams where all players performed the Nordic Hamstring Exercise (NHE) (n=5) and teams where only some players performed NHE (n=6)

Team training (n=5)
Median (IQR)
No team training
Training exposure hours 3753 (3729–5425)5609 (4900–5995)
Match exposure hours829 (759–877)694 (591–731)
Total exposure hours4513 (4426–6543)6328 (5641–6676)
Training hamstring injuries2 (2–3)5 (3–5)
Match hamstring injuries1 (1–2)3 (0–4)
Total hamstring injuries4 (3–4)7 (5–10)
Hamstring injury burden10 (7–12)16 (9–26)
Total lay-off days following training hamstring injuries during the 2020–21 season13 (11–42)49 (23–56)
Total lay-off days following match hamstring injuries during the 2020–21 season31 (11–42)35 (0–126)
Total lay-off days absence following all hamstring injuries during the 2020–21 season76 (31–84)90 (56–149)
  • Hamstring injury burden is expressed as the number of lay-off days per 1000 player hours.