Table 3

Interrater reliability of clinical findings during invagination of the inguinal canal (n=88)

Inguinal palpationKappa (95% CI)Kappa interpretationOAPANABias indexPrevalence (PI)Mean prevalence in defined IRGP*Mean prevalence in non-IRGP†
External ring size (S/M/L) (n=86)‡0.56 (0.43 to 0.70)Moderate70%********S: 15%
M: 18%
L: 67%
S: 14%
M: 30%
L: 56%
Bulging (y/n) (n=67)§0.29 (0.05 to 0.52)Fair64%64%65%0.0649% (−0.01)Yes: 54%
No: 31%
n/a: 15%
Yes: 26%
No: 57%
n/a: 18%
Posterior wall structure (firm/soft) (n=59)¶0.01 (−0.38 to 0.40)Slight70%18%81%−0.1019% (−0.63)Soft: 68%
Firm: 10%
n/a: 22%
Soft: 54%
Firm: 24%
n/a: 23%
  • *Based on the average prevalence in defined inguinal-related groin pain between examiner A (n=41) and B (n=37).

  • †Based on the average prevalence in non-inguinal-related groin pain (ie no likely or defined inguinal-related groin pain classified by the examiner OR fully asymptomatic side) between examiner A (n=36) and B (n=44). One participant refused inguinal examination of the second examiner and no classification was made for this participant by examiner B. Cases classified with likely inguinal-related groin pain were not separately described due to the small sample size.

  • ‡1 Participant refused inguinal examination of the second examiner.

  • §1 Participant refused inguinal examination of the second examiner, 19 inguinal canals were not assessable for bulging by at least one of the examiners.

  • ¶1 Participant refused inguinal examination of the second examiner, 27 inguinal canals were not assessable for posterior wall structure by at least one of the examiners.

  • **, Not applicable ; IRGP, inguinal-related groin pain; L, large (>fingertip); M, medium (~fingertip); NA, negative agreement; n/a, not assessable by the examiner; OA, overall agreement; PA, positive agreement; PI, prevalence index; S, small (< fingertip).