Table 2

Summary of studies assessing PF and its relationship with maternal and neonatal health outcomes

Health-related outcomeRelated to PFAssoc (-/+)StatisticsQuality score
Unrelated to PFQuality score
Biblio noBiblio no
Maternal Health
 Prepregnancy weight57r=−0.63, P=0.0012
 Maternal HR at submaximal exercise108NR, P<0.051
 Duration of gestation63+r=0.12, P=0.013
 Physical activity practice95+P=0.012
 Back pain126+OR=1.09, 95% CI 1.01 to 1.17, P=0.0222
 Anxiety158r=0.559, P=0.022
 Fall risk128P<0.00013
 Pelvic girdle pain170+P<0.0014
 Length of labour in nulliparas57r=−0.65, P=0.052
 Second stage of labour108NR1
 Caesarean13NR, P<0.0012
 Pain during contractions111+r=0.67, P<0.0012
Fetal and neonatal health
 Fetal umbilical artery pH68+NR, P<0.0012
13+r=0.220, P<0.052
 Asphyxiated babies108NR, P<0.052
 Arterial umbilical cord PO213+r=0.267, P<0.052
13+r=0.237, P<0.052
 Arterial umbilical cord PCO213R=0.331, P<0.012
 Neonatal birth weight8+r=0.27, P=0.0483
115+F (2182)=3.15, P=0.0044
13+r=0.191, P<0.052
93, 262,1
 New-born length93
 New-born head circumference93
 Apgar Score93, 262,1
  • Related to PF refers to those variables where authors found either a positive or negative association of the variable with PF levels. Unrelated to PF refers to those variables where authors could not find any association between the variable and PF.

  • +, direct association of the variable with PF; -, inverse association of the variable with PF; CRF, cardiorespiratory fitness; HR, heart rate; MF, muscular fitness; NR, not reported; PCO2, pressure of CO2; PF, physical fitness; PO2, pressure of O2.