Table 2

Knowledge of rights and athlete and sports characteristics associated with attitudes/beliefs

Associated attitudes/beliefs statementVariableCoef (ordered log odds)
Every athlete is entitled to equality of opportunity in the pursuit of sport without distinction of any kind and free of discrimination, harassment and violence (K1)
AB3: It is sometimes ok for coaches to use any kind of violence toward me (eg, intimidation, assault or coercion). (n=655 LR χ216 =57.38 Prob>χ2=0.000 Pseudo R2=0.040)Male0.66
Contact sport0.48
AB4: It is sometimes ok for teammates and others to use any kind of violence toward me (eg, intimidation, assault or coercion). (n=656 LR χ216 =40.61 Prob>χ2=0.001 Pseudo R2=0.031)K1, yes, it is a right−0.73
Contact sport0.55
AB5: It is sometimes ok for coaches to pressure me in any way. (n=655 LR χ216 =38.67 Prob>χ2=0.001 Pseuido R2=0.016)Male0.99
Ab6: It is sometimes ok for teammates and others to pressure me in any way. (n=653 LR χ215 =46.81 Prob>χ2=0.000 Pseudo R2=0.019)ˆMale0.83
Subjective judging−0.45
Every athlete has the right to freedom of opinion and expression (K2)
AB1: It is always ok for me to freely express my opinion (n=656 LR χ216 =40.39 prob>χ2=0.001 Pseudo R2=0.020)K2, yes, it is a right1.26
Union member0.45
Every athlete must be able to access an effective remedy when their rights are not respected and upheld. This is particularly crucial given the highly skilled yet short-term and precarious nature of the athletic career (K5)
AB7: If I experience behaviour that I deem inappropriate, I can seek assistance without fear of consequences or retaliation. (n=650 LR χ216 =26.79 prob>χ2=0.04 Pseudo R2=0.013K5, yes, it is a right0.55
  • Two regressions with overall non-significant results (p>0.05) are excluded from the table. These are the regressions with dependent variables AB2: If someone has access to my personal information, I should know how it is being used; AB8: If someone wants to use my personal information, they must always obtain my consent. All regressions were run with and without the interaction term between age and gender. When the interaction term was not statistically significant and the regression demonstrated a weaker fit, the results from the regression without an interaction term are presented (all but the regression for AB6 included the interaction term).