Table 4

Correlation between knowledge and attitudes/beliefs statements

Knowledge statementAttitudes and beliefs statement(s)Spearman’s correlation (p<0.05)*
Every athlete is entitled to equality of opportunity in the pursuit of sport without distinction of any kind and free of discrimination, harassment and violenceIt is sometimes ok for coaches to use any kind of violence toward me0.08
It is sometimes ok for teammates and others to use any kind of violence toward me0.08
Every athlete has the right to freedom of opinion and expressionIt is always ok for me to freely express my opinion0.21
Every athlete is entitled to have their name, image and performance protectedIf someone wants to use my personal information, they must always obtain my consent0.10
Every athlete must be able to access an effective remedy when their rights are not respected and upheldIf I experience behaviour that I deem inappropriate, I can seek assistance without fear of consequences or retaliation0.12
  • Spearman’s correlation for each combination of the knowledge statement and attitude statement where K represents the knowledge question, the number represents the order of the knowledge question, AB represents the attitude/belief question and the number represents its order (table 1).

  • *The correlation is significant at p<0.05 (Spearman’s correlation).