Table 3

Feature importance ranking for all cases

RankCase 1Case 2Case 3Case 4
1Raw acceleration data in Y directionAverage of VM for three axesSD in Y directionSum of counts’ Log-energy in Y direction
2Raw acceleration data in X directionPeak-to-peak amplitude in Y directionMembership of Ntile Groups (N=5) of counts’ vector magnitude
3Raw acceleration data in Z directionIQR in Y directionAmplitude of dominant frequency of counts in Y direction
4Peak-to-peak amplitude in X directionAverage counts in Y direction
5Membership of Ntile Groups (N=5) of vector magnitudeVector magnitude of average counts in X, Y and Z directions
6SD in x directionSum of counts in Y direction
7IQR in X directioncounts’ vector magnitudes
8SD in Z directionSum of counts’ Log-energy in X
9Signal power in Y directionSignal power of counts in Y
10Sum of Log-energy in Y directionDominant frequency of counts in Y direction
  • IQR, Interquartile Range; SD, Standard Deviation; VM, Vector Magnitude.