Table 3

Physical activity (PA), exercise and screen time before the COVID-19 pandemic and during quarantine

Total (n=8102)IP (n=3218)CP (n=4884)Differences between IPs and CPs/p value
Exercise before COVID-19 19 pandemic n (%)*
 Yes5522 (68.2)2153 (66.9)3369 (69.0)0.050†
 No2580 (31.6)1065 (33.1)1515 (31.0)
Exercise during quarantine n (%)
 Yes2439 (30.1)563 (17.5)1876 (38.4)<0.001†
 No5043 (62.2)2445 (76.0)2598 (53.2)
 No information620 (7.7)210 (6.5)410 (8.4)
 Differences between prepandemic and quarantine exercise/p value*<0.001<0.001<0.001
Meet PA guidelines before COVID-19 19 pandemic n (%)‡
 Yes3453 (66.4)1332 (65.8)2121 (67.7)0.514†
 No1749 (33.6)691 (34.2)1058 (33.)
Meet PA guidelines during quarantine n (%)§
 Yes885 (46.3)203 (44.8)682 (46.8)0.457†
 No1025 (53.7)250 (55.2)775 (53.2)
 Differences between prepandemic and quarantine findings/p value†<0.001<0.001<0.001
Screen time before COVID-19 19 pandemic
 Screen time h/day mean (SD)3.0 (2.8)2.8 (2.8)3.0 (2.8)0.016¶
 Screen time during quarantine
 Screen time h/day mean (SD)3.4 (3.3)3.0 (3.1)3.7 (3.4)<0.001¶
 Differences between prepandemic and quarantine findings/p value**<0.001<0.001<0.001
  • Number of values in variables with missing data.

  • *Rounding error.

  • †χ2 test.

  • ‡n=2,900.

  • §n=6,192.

  • ¶Unpaired t-test.

  • **Paired t-test.

  • CP, contact person; IP, infected person.