Table 2

Providers, settings and activity types available to patients across the cardiac, respiratory, stroke, falls and cancer clinical exercise services in the UK

Cardiac (n=216)Respiratory (n=162)Stroke (n=129)Falls (n=117)Cancer (n=107)
Provider (% and number of services)
 NHS89% (n=192)84% (n=136)95% (n=123)82% (n=95)30% (n=32)
 Local authority6% (n=13)4% (n=5)15% (n=18)44% (n=47)
 3rd sector4% (n=9)16% (n=26)1% (n=1)3% (n=4)25% (n=27)
Delivery settings offered by services (%)*
 Clinical NHS83% (n=179)54% (n=87)95% (n=123)82% (n=96)25% (n=27)
 Community44% (n=95)87% (n=141)26% (n=34)73% (n=85)50% (n=53)
 Leisure centre31% (n=67)20% (n=32)5% (n=6)15% (n=18)66% (n=71)
 Green/outdoor space47% (n=50)
Activity type offered by services (%)*
 1-2-111% (n=24)1% (n=2)100% (n=129)89% (n=104)76% (n=81)
 Specific group96% (n=207)100% (n=162)51% (n=60)91% (n=97)
 Walking59% (n=63)
 Chair-based92% (n=108)
 Green/outdoor space14% (n=15)
 Education100% (n=216)100% (n=162)100% (n=129)100% (n=117)60% (n=64)
  • *Services offered multiple delivery settings and activity types.

  • NHS, National Health Service.