Table 1

List of the outcome and explanatory variables included in the analysis

Outcome variable:
Insufficient physical activityNo=0 (≥150 of moderate-intensity or ≥75 min of vigorous-intensity physical activity or a combination of both in a week);
Yes=1 (<150 of moderate-intensity or ≥75 min of vigorous-intensity physical activity or a combination of both in a week)
Explanatory variables:
Age in years60–69 years/70–79 years/≥80 years
Place of residenceRural/non-slum urban/slum
Divisions (regions)Mymensingh/Barishal/Chattogram/Dhaka/Khulna/Rajshahi/Rangpur/Sylhet
Educational statusNo formal education/1–5 years/ 6–10 years/>10 years
OccupationWorking/unemployed or homemaker
Household incomeBelow median/median or above
Marital statusCurrently married/others (never married, divorced, separated, widowed)
ReligionMuslim/others (Buddhists, Christians, Hindu and all others)
Sedentary time≤7 hours in a typical day/>7 hour in a typical day
Fruits and vegetable consumption≥5 servings per day/<5 servings per day
Self-reported hypertension*No/yes
Self-reported diabetes*No/yes
Self-reported heart diseases*No/yes
Self-reported asthma*No/yes
Waist circumferenceMale: <90 cm or female: <80 cm/male: ≥90 cm or female: ≥80 cm
  • *‘Yes’, if any trained healthcare provider ever told the study participant that they have the disease(s) and ‘no’ if otherwise.