Table 3

Players’ and coaches’ perceptions of the load management intervention

How much time did you spend weekly on the overall load management programme?
No time<5 min10 min20 min30 min45 min1 hour or more
PlayersIG (n=111)7 (6)0 (0)83 (75)16 (15)5 (5)0 (0)0 (0)
CoachesIG (n=8)0 (0)0 (0)3 (38)1 (13)2 (25)0 (0)2 (25)
Were the players aware of the programme?
Yes, all playersMore than half of the playersLess than half of the playersNone of the players
CoachesIG (n=8)8 (100)0 (0)0 (0)0 (0)
Was the load management programme used as intended? (Minimum 1 hour before each training week)
Yes, every weekNo, every other weekNo, once per monthWas not used at all
CoachesIG (n=8)5 (63)1 (13)2 (25)0 (0)
Are you planning to use an overall load management programme next season?
Yes, definitivelyYes, but in a less challenging way than this yearNoDo not know
PlayersIG (n=105)47 (45)23 (22)9 (9)26 (25)
CoachesIG (n=8)4 (50)0 (0)1 (13)3 (38)
  • N (%).

  • CG, control group; IG, intervention group.