Table 2

The association between different effects and knowledge of disqualification as a potential outcome following a PCMA and subanalysis

Player age0.0216
Playing experience0.1885
Total PCMAs received0.0665
Explanation about the PCMA0.6944
Medical assistance (team doctor or physiotherapist) during the PCMA’s history component0.1774
OR estimates
EffectPoint estimate95% Wald
Confidence limits
Player age1.2031.027 to 1.408
Total PCMAs received1.3160.982 to 1.766
  • An increase in 1 year of age increases the odds of knowing disqualification from playing football was a possible outcome following a PCMA by 20.3% (OR=1.203, 95% CI 1.027 to 1.408). For every additional PCMA conducted for a player, this increases the odds of this knowledge by 31.6% (OR=1.316, 95% CI 0.982 to 1.766) up to three total PCMAs.

  • PCMA, precompetition medical assessment.