Groups | Descriptors | Boolean operator | Field searched |
SB and PA | inactiv* OR “computer use*” OR sedentar* OR sitting OR reclin* OR stationary OR chair* OR seated OR standing OR lying OR recumben* OR screen* OR “energy expenditure” OR exercise* OR step* OR acceleromet* OR pedomet* OR fitness OR workout OR sport* OR mov* OR walk* OR aerobic* OR yoga OR pilates OR zumba OR treadmill OR cycl* OR stair* OR gym | AND | Ts=title-abstract-keyword search |
Study design | “systematic review*” OR “meta-analys*” | AND | Ts=title-abstract-keyword search |
Occupational domain | occupation* OR work* OR labo?r OR office* OR job* OR vocation* OR desk* OR “white collar*” OR “white-collar” * OR “call-cent*” OR employe* | AND | Ts=title-abstract-keyword search |
Screening | screening | NOT | Ts=title-abstract-keyword search |
PA, physical activity; SB, sedentary behaviour.