Table 3

Effect sizes for the between-group (injured and non-injured) differences in each of the physical performance characteristics

110° cut completion time0.40Non-injured completed faster99
110° cut GCT0.19Non-injured shorter GCT98
110° cut horizontal to vertical ratio0.14Non-injured had greater horizontal to vertical GRF ratio93
45° cut completion time1.37Non-injured completed faster100
45° cut GCT0.76Non-injured shorter GCT100
45° cut horizontal to vertical ratio0.44Non-injured had greater horizontal to vertical GRF ratio95
SLDJ GCT0.43Non-injured shorter GCT100
SLDJ Jump height−0.97Non-injured greater jump height100
SLDL Time to stabilisation−0.33Non-injured longer time99
SLDL Impulse during the first 50 ms−0.98Non-injured greater impulse100
SLDL Vertical stiffness−0.29Non-injured greater stiffness99
SLSJ Jump time−0.04Non-injured greater jump time55
SLSJ Jump height−1.19Non-injured greater jump height100
SLSJ Impulse during the first 50 ms−0.12Non-injured greater impulse71
IMTP Median force−0.23Non-injured greater median force91
IMTP RFD to peak force−0.35Non-injured greater median force91
IMTP RFD during the first 50 ms−0.87Non-injured greater median force100
  • *Number of simulations where the relationship is in one direction for example, for the 110° cut completion time, 99 of the T-tests run resulted in the non-injured group completing the cuts faster than the injured group.

  • d, Cohen’s d.

  • GCT, Ground contact time; IMTP, Isometric Mid-Thigh Pull; SLSJ, Single-Leg Squat-Jump; SLDL, Single-Leg Drop-Landing; SLDJ, Single-Leg Drop-Jump.