Table 1

Characteristics of the subjects and results of each test of the health-related physical fitness assessment

Men (n=23)Women (n=52)All (n=75)
Age (years)79±4.375.9±5.576.8±5.3
Height (cm)165.6±5.6151±4.8155.5±8.5
Weight (kg)62.9±6.952.2±7.155.5±8.6
BMI (kg/m2)22.9±2.322.8±2.522.9±2.4
Muscle strength
 Quadriceps setting strength (kgf)39.2±1134.1±13.135.6±12.7
 Knee extension strength (kgf)30.4±7.619.6±5.422.8±7.9
Physical fitness test
 Grip strength (kg)33±5.721±4.624.7±7.5
 Number of sit-ups (times)10.3±6.77.9±7.28.6±7.1
 Sit and reach distance (cm)31.4±1234.4±8.533.5±9.7
 One leg standing time (s)74.1±49.668.9±48.370.5±48.4
 10 m obstacle walking time (s)7.1±1.28.2±1.57.8±1.5
 6 min walking distance (m)603.8±89.1551.9±68.3567.1±78
  • BMI, body mass index.