Table 2

Single correlation between quadriceps setting and knee extension strength with individual test of the health-related physical fitness assessment

Quadriceps setting strengthKnee extension strength
r95% CIpr95% CIp
Grip strength0.4980.3060.651<0.0010.7690.6570.848<0.001
Sit and reach0.2380.0120.4410.041−0.013−0.2390.2150.910
One leg standing time with eyes open0.2890.0660.4840.0130.196−0.0320.4050.095
10 m obstacle walking time−0.512−0.662−0.323<0.001−0.459−0.621−0.259<0.001
6 min walking distance0.5100.3200.661<0.0010.4680.2700.628<0.001
  • ‘r’ refers to Pearson correlation coefficient.