Table 1

Baseline characteristics of the study sample by dog ownership status (n=71)

Baseline characteristicsDog ownership status
Dog acquisition (n=17)Lagged control (n=29)Community control (n=25)
Age (years)36.9 (10.6)38.0 (13.6)50.7 (18.4)
Gender (female %)10075.980
Physical activity
 Bouts of 10+ min of walking/week*11.5 (7.6)8.3 (5.5)8.9 (7.9)
 Minutes spent walking/week*303.2 (277.7)219.8 (192.4)251.6 (202.7)
Time spent sedentary (hours/day)*7.7 (2.7)7.8 (2.9)7.4 (3.5)
Resting systolic blood pressure†114.4 (11.6)112.6 (15.7)118.1 (20.1)
Resting diastolic blood pressure†79.9 (9.0)74.7 (8.3)75.9 (9.3)
Resting heart rate†73.4 (10.7)66.5 (11.9)70.3 (9.9)
VO2max‡37.4 (1.6)43.6 (8.2)39.8 (6.6)
Alcohol consumption
 1 or more days/week70.655.256
 Less than once per week29.444.844
 Trade certificate/diploma or less (%)47.117.212
 Bachelor’s or postgraduate degree (%)52.982.888
Previous dog ownership (%)52.965.544
Season of baseline data collection (% winter)58.886.292
  • Data are presented as mean (SD) unless indicated otherwise.

  • *Based on participant’s self-reported physical activity and sedentary behaviour patterns.

  • †Data available from n=68 (n=15 dog acquisition, n=29 lagged control, n=24 community control).

  • ‡Based on submaximal step test. Data available from n=41 (n=10 dog acquisition, n=19 lagged control, n=12 community control).

  • §Highest level of education completed.