Table 5

Overview of fetal parameters associated with intrauterine environment

MethodParametersDescriptionOver the course of pregnancyInterpretation
Doppler, BPPUteroplacental blood flow and umbilical blood flowBlood circulation between uterus, placenta and the fetus125Begins to increase from 12 GA until term.126 The umbilical artery oxygen saturation, oxygen partial pressure and pH decrease and partial pressure of carbon dioxide increase127 128Associated with a well-functioning maternal-fetal circulation and placental perfusion126 129
 Fetoplacental growth and blood flowThe directions of blood flow from mother to the placenta and the blood flow from the placenta to the fetus based on mean blood velocity and the cross-sectional area of the vessel.125 The normal range is: 18.581.4 mL/100 g fetal weight127Increases over pregnancy127Associated with a well-functioning maternal-fetal circulation and placental perfusion129
 Placental weightWeight of the placentaIncreases over pregnancyIncreased placenta weights are associated with hydrops fetalis, villous oedema, fetal anaemia, whereas decreased placenta weights are associated with maternal uteroplacental vascular insufficiency, hypertension or congenital anomalies.130
  • BPP, biophysical profile; GA, gestational age.