Table 1

Characteristics of 243 respondents

Elite swimmers (n=101)Non-elite swimmers (n=56)Non-swimming athletes (n=36)Controls (n=50)P value
Gender, M:F (M:F, %)50:51 (50:50)26:30 (46:54)9:9 (50:50)26:24 (52:48)NS*
Age (years)18 (±5)19 (±5)21 (±4)19 (±5)NS*
Smokers (%)0 (0)0 (0)0 (0)0 (0)NS*
BMI (mean±SD)22.8 (±3.1)23.6 (±3.5)21.1 (±2.8)24.4 (±5.6)NS*
Rhinitis (%)45† (45)16 (29)12 (33)12 (24)0.049*
Excessive daytime sleepiness (%)16 (16)8 (14)5 (14)2 (4)NS*
Poor sleepers (%)48 (48)41† (73)23† (64)18 (36)0.003*
PSQI global score (mean±SD)4.78 (2.633)5.82 (2.898)5.83 (3.019)4.77 (2.149)NS‡
ESS global score (mean±SD)6.68 (3.656)†6.30† (4.013)6.67† (4.256)4.77 (3.472)0.026‡
  • *P value: overall χ2.

  • †Significant compared with controls (p<0.05).

  • ‡P value: overall Kruskal-Wallis.

  • BMI, body mass index; ESS, Epworth Sleepiness Scale; NS, non-significant; PSQI, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index.