Table 3

Basic principles for the administration of dynamometric (isometric, isotonic and isokinetic) tests

Isometric tests147–149Isotonic tests147 150–152Isokinetic tests42 85 112 113 153
Operate a proper warm-up.Operate a proper warm-up.Operate a proper warm-up.
 Biomechanically isolate the muscle group to be tested.Biomechanically isolate the muscle group to be tested.Biomechanically isolate the muscle group to be tested.
Standardise the lever arm.Standardise the lever arm and ROM.Standardise the lever arm and ROM.
Begin the test with the healthy limb.Begin the test with the healthy limb.Begin the test with the healthy limb.
Apply an isometric contraction of progressive intensity for a duration of between 3 sec and 5 sec.Apply the maximal speed during the movement.Align the centre of rotation of the joint with that of the mechanical device.
Encourage the patient during the test.Encourage the patient during the test.Encourage the patient during the test.
Perform at least three trials with an adequate recovery between each trial (around 1 min 30 sec).Perform at least one set of 6–10 repetitions.Subtract the weight of the limb from the calculation of the force moment (usually done automatically by the device).
Consider the peak value.Consider both average and peak value.Consider the average value, avoiding the so-called ‘peak artifact’.
Check for any pain symptoms with VAS.Check for any pain symptoms with VAS.Check for any pain symptoms with VAS.
Stop the test in the presence of severe pain (VAS >3).Stop the test in the presence of severe pain (VAS >3).Stop the test in the presence of severe pain (VAS >3).
The dynamometric values must be ≥90% of the prelesion values or ≥90% of the contralateral limb values.The dynamometric values must be ≥90% of the prelesion values or ≥90% of the contralateral limb values.Perform one set of 6–10 repetitions at low speed (30°/s−60°/s) and one set at high speed (>300°/s).
Perform at least one eccentric test at 60°/s or 30°/s.
Consider the value of the joint angle corresponding to the peak force production.
Consider the values of the mechanical work.
Consider the shape of the force curve.
Consider the value of the ratio of HS (concentric modality) to Q (concentric modality), and the value of the ratio HS (eccentric modality) to Q (concentric modality).
Perform the tests observing an adequate recovery between the sets (~2−3 min).
The dynamometric values must be ≥>90% of the pre-lesion values or ≥>90% of the contralateral limb values
  • ROM, range of motion; VAS, Visual Analogue Scale.