Table 2

Descriptive values (means, SD) of the pre-test and post-test for the experimental group and the control group in the different dependent measurements

Athletic performanceMAASPSQWAI-T anxietyWAI-T concernWAI-T concentration
EGPre-test8.37 (3.06)58.50 (7.40)47.50 (23.65)9.37 (3.33)8.62 (2.50)9.12 (1.89)
Post-test8.87 (2.64)53.62 (8.38)43.54 (16.38)9.50 (3.34)9.00 (2.39)8.50 (1.19)
CGPre-test7.50 (2.39)64.75 (9.09)46.25 (16.82)9.62 (2.39)10.50 (2.45)9.13 (2.64)
Post-test7.37 (3.42)56.00 (8.71)44.95 (16.35)9.37 (1.99)11.00 (2.92)10.13 (3.31)
  • CG, control group; EG, experimental group; MAAS, Mindful Attention Awareness Scale; PSQ, Perceived Stress Questionnaire; WAI-T, competition anxiety inventory—trait.