Table 1

Number of patients with sports-related shoulder injuries

Males (%)Females (%)Total (%)
 Football (soccer)133 (22)7 (4)140 (18)
 Cycling91 (15)21 (12)112 (14)
 Alpine skiing76 (12)13 (8)89 (11)
 Cross-country skiing42 (7)26 (15)68 (9)
 Martial arts40 (7)4 (2)44 (6)
 Ice hockey31 (5)31 (4)
 Snowboarding25 (4)5 (3)30 (4)
 Jogging11 (2)14 (8)25 (3)
 Strength training *20 (3)5 (3)25 (3)
 Skateboard18 (3)1 (1)19 (2)
 Gym/physical education *†7 (1)12 (7)19 (2)
 Handball8 (1)7 (4)15 (2)
 Floorball8 (1)4 (2)12 (2)
 Walking2 (0)9 (5)11 (1)
 Basketball7 (1)3 (2)10 (1)
 Horse riding8 (5)8 (1)
Sports <1% of shoulder injuries:
 Bandy *77
 Squash *617
 Weightlifting *617
 Gymnastics *325
 Hiking *325
 Ice skating *235
 Volleyball *55
 Field hockey*44
 Motorcycle sport44
 Roller skiing*44
 Telemark skiing314
 American football*33
 Rollerblades/roller skates22
 Sports climbing*112
 Table tennis*22
 Sports with 1 injury ‡14620
 Total sports <1%  (14)  (17)  (15)
Unknown5 (1)3 (2)8 (1)
Total610 (100)171 (100)781 (100)
  • *Specification of 147 patients (19%) ticked off as ‘other sport’ in the national accident registration and questionnaire.

  • †Physical education or ‘gym’, all ages.

  • ‡Acrobatics*, aerobics*, athletics*, bowling*, cricket*, crossfit*, curling*, danish longball*, fencing*, indoor cycling*, kayaking*, kite skiing*, parkour*, rink bandy*, ropewalking*, ski jumping*, surfing*, sledging/luge, water polo* and waterskiing/wakeboarding*.