Table 1

Characteristics of participants at baseline (n=64 913) in the Health Survey for England and Scottish Health Survey

Number (%) of participants
VariableProportion of moderate to vigorous activity classified as vigorousTotal participants, n
0%>0% to <30%≥30%
Total sample, n (%)44 521 (68.6)5000 (7.7)15 392 (23.7)64 913
Sex, n (%)
 Male18 421 (64.5)2341 (8.2)7805 (27.3)28 567
 Female26 100 (71.8)2659 (7.3)7587 (20.9)36 346
Age group, y
 30–4920 363 (58.3)3521 (10.1)11 024 (31.6)34 908
 50–6414 441 (75.8)1202 (6.3)3413 (17.9)19 056
 65-max9717 (88.7)277 (2.5)955 (8.7)10 949
Age finished full-time education,
n (%)
 ≤15 y18 216 (82.8)1042 (4.7)2745 (12.5)22 003
 16–18 y19 329 (64.8)2617 (8.8)7876 (26.4)29 822
 ≥19 y6976 (53.3)1341 (10.2)4771 (36.5)13 088
 Smoking status, n (%)
 Non-current32 508 (66.1)3930 (8.0)12 736 (25.9)49 174
 Current12 013 (76.3)1070 (6.8)2656 (16.9)15 739
Alcohol consumption frequency,
n (%)
 <5 times/week35 979 (68.8)3953 (7.6)12 317 (23.6)52 249
 ≥5 times/week8542 (67.4)1047 (8.3)3075 (24.3)12 664
Long-standing illness, n (%)
 No24 071 (64.8)3178 (8.5)9906 (26.7)37 155
 Yes20 450 (73.7)1822 (6.5)5486 (19.8)27 758
Weighted MVPA, min/week
 10–14923 126 (85.7)485 (1.8)3380 (12.5)26 991
 ≥15021 362 (56.5)4496 (11.9)11 960 (31.6)37 818
 Median physical activity levels (IQRs)195 (80–442.5)137.5 (60–322.5)461.4 (255–817)329 (165–615)
BMI, n (%)
 <25 (normal weight)17 941 (67.1)2189 (8.2)6603 (24.7)26 733
 ≥25 (overweight/obesity)26 902 (69.6)2843 (7.4)8880 (23.0)38 625
 BMI, mean (SD)24.86 (9.18)24.53 (8.34)24.60 (8.64)24.78 (8.99)
Psychological distress, n (%)
 No: GHQ score <437 450 (68.1)4273 (7.8)13 253 (24.1)54 976
 Yes: GHQ score ≥45718 (70.4)623 (7.7)1781 (21.9)8122
  • Smoking status was based on one question with the following options: never, ex-regular smoker, ex-occasional smoker, current smoker. Alcohol use was derived from the question “On how many days in the last 7 days did you have an alcoholic drink?”. Long standing illness included at least one illness from a list of body systems (ie, nervous system, heart and circulatory system). The definition of psychological distress was based on the General Health Questionnaire (GQH) comprising 12 questions related with psychological health.

  • BMI, body mass index; MVPA, moderate-to-vigorous physical activity; max, maximal; y, years.