Table 2

Assessment of use of healthcare for chronic injuries in climbing

VariableSought healthcare n=119Did not seek healthcare n=266% that did not seek healthcareχ2Cramer’s V (ϕ)
Are you doing any other sports than climbing?0.2870.061
Level of performance0.0090.114
Site of injury0.0000.755
 Lower extremities212150
 Lower back, neck, head, hip71058.8
After the injury did you stop training?0.0000.713
 Train at lower level7018472.4
How long did you stop training?0.0000.327
 Did not stop training8021072.4
 <1 week07100
 1 weeks1787.5
 2–4 weeks102974.4
 1–3 months191238.7
 4–6 months400
 >6 months5116.7
  • Differentiated for those who sought healthcare (n=119), those who did not seek healthcare (n=266) and % that did not seek healthcare. Presented with χ2 and Cramer’s V to examine the relations between the variables and seeking healthcare.