Responses | All n=266 (%) | Male n=210 (%) | Female n=56 (%) | χ2 | Cramer’s V (ϕ) |
The injury was not serious enough | 187 (70.3) | 148 (70.5) | 39 (69.6) | 0.903 | 0.007 |
Did not have the time | 23 (8.6) | 17 (8.1) | 6 (10.7) | 0.536 | 0.038 |
Treated it myself | 78 (29.3) | 67 (31.9) | 11 (19.6) | 0.073 | 0.110 |
Do not think health professionals know enough about climbing-related injuries | 63 (23.7) | 50 (23.8) | 13 (23.2) | 0.926 | 0.006 |
Have friends who tried healthcare, and it did not help | 23 (8.6) | 19 (9) | 4 (7.1) | 0.652 | 0.028 |
A friend helped me out | 20 (7.5) | 16 (7.6) | 4 (7.1) | 0.904 | 0.007 |
The results are presented for all participants and subgrouped male and female (injured climbers n and %).