Table 5

Regression model of cost of inpatient youth injured in sport

Parameter estimateP valuePercentage change to cost (%)
Patient factors Elementary school* 0.320 <0.000127.4
Middle school* 0.218 <0.000119.6
Female* 0.105 <0.000110.0
Other race−0.0000.9945
Full contact sports0.0030.9352
Non-contact sports* 0.457 0.0030 57.9
Elective admission* 0.261 <0.0001 29.8
Urgent admission−0.1130.0850
Trauma admission* 0.347 <0.0001 41.5
ICISS* 0.038 <0.00013.7
Nature of injuryFractures of the skull, neck or trunk−0.0480.6197
Other fractures* 0.309 0.0004 36.2
Internal injury* 0.526 <0.000140.9
Open wound0.1050.4708
Other injury−0.2030.1435
Hospital factorsRural hospital0.3380.2551
Teaching hospital*0.0670.0685
For profit hospital−0.0260.5343
Government hospital* 0.122 0.0221 13.0
  • The values in bold indicate statistical significance at the α = 0.05 level.

  • *Statistically significant at the α=0.05 level.

  • ICD-9, International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision; ICISS, ICD-9 Injury Severity Score.