Table 3

Univariate analysis of variables which predict recurrent instability

Regression coefficientSEP valueOR95% CI
Bony Bankart†1.290.640.043.651.05 to 12.70
Hill-Sachs lesion0.370.430.381.450.63 to 3.35
Age− to 1.10
 16–20 versus other−0.540.400.170.580.27 to 1.27
 21–26 versus other−0.230.450.610.790.33 to 1.92
 26–30 versus other0.780.620.212.180.65 to 7.34
 31–35 versus other0.420.590.481.520.48 to 4.79
 36–40 versus other0.410.650.531.500.42 to 5.32
 16–25 versus other†0.740.410.072.100.94 to 4.72
Gender−0.160.610.790.850.36 to 3.84
Height− to 1.04
Weight0.010.010.401.010.99 to 1.04
BMI0.040.050.361.040.95 to 1.14
 Asian−0.050.790.950.960.20 to 4.50
 European Other†−1.630.790.045.081.08 to 23.92
 NZ European−0.380.390.330.680.32 to 1.48
 NZ Māori0.710.580.222.040.65 to 6.33
 Other0.341.430.811.400.09 to 22.98
 Pasifika0.410.650.531.500.42 to 5.32
 Ethnic group: Other versus NZ Euro/NZ Māori/Pasifika*−0.880.520.090.4150.149 to 1.152
 Limb side
 Dominance−0.980.690.160.380.10 to 1.46
 Side affected−0.470.400.230.620.29 to 1.35
 Dominant affected*0.630.390.101.8770.87 to 4.06
 Manual sedentary0.300.400.461.340.62 to 2.94
 Overhead below shoulder0.550.440.210.580.25 to 1.36
Family history0.070.510.901.070.40 to 2.87
Hypermobile0.490.450.270.610.25 to 1.47
 Sports0.060.440.901.060.45 to 2.52
 Assault−0.341.020.740.710.10 to 5.23
 Other/MVA0.670.630.290.540.15 to 1.76
 Falls−0.810.680.230.440.12 to 1.68
Immobilised†−0.970.480.050.380.15 to 0.98
Physiotherapy0.250.430.560.780.33 to 1.81
 Contact versus other−0.740.470.110.480.19 to 1.19
 Collision versus other−0.690.460.130.500.20 to 1.23
 Limited contact versus other*−0.970.580.090.380.12 to 1.17
 Non-contact versus other0.070.580.901.080.34 to 3.37
 Sports professional/recreation−0.401.030.700.670.09 to 5.04
 SAS contact Y/N*0.720.400.072.050.94 to 4.46
 OH versus non-OH−0.330.500.510.720.27 to 1.90
Global rate of change− to 1.01
SAS† to 1.27
Pain-Initial0.030.070.711.030.90 to 1.17
Pain-Now0. to 1.43
SPADI-Total† to 1.06
 SPADI-Pain* to 1.05
 SPADI-Function† to 1.07
TSK-11† to 1.26
 WOSI-Total† to 1.02
 WOSI-Physical† to 1.04
 WOSI-Life* to 1.08
 WOSI-Recreation0.010.020.691.010.97 to 1.05
 WOSI-Emotion† to 1.13
  • *Significant at p≤0.10.

  • †Significant at p≤0.05.

  • BMI, body mass index; MVA, motor vehicle accident; NZ, New Zealand; non-OH, non-overhead sport; OH, overhead sport; SAS, Shoulder Activity Scale; SPADI, Shoulder Pain and Disability Index; TSK-11, Tampa Scale of Kinesiophobia; WOSI, Western Ontario Stability Index.