Table 1

Physiological characteristics and mean scores on the Exercise Dependence Scale (EXDS) for subjects with lower and higher exercise dependence

Lower EXDS score
Higher EXDS score (n=30)P value
Age (years)35.3±8.335.4±9.335.2±7.70.946
Height (cm)180.9±5.4180.1±5.5181.5±5.20.339
Body weight (kg)75.2±6.973.3±7.776.7±6.00.075
Body mass index (kg/m2)22.9±1.922.5±2.223.2±1.50.198
Body fat (kg)9.4±4.79.4±5.09.4±4.50.959
Body fat (%)13.8±5.014.1±5.313.5±4.80.663
Fat free mass (kg)64.6±5.263.2±5.865.7±4.40.077
Exercise (hours/week)9.5±3.48.1±2.710.6±3.5 0.006
Active in sport (years)3.5 (2.0–7.0)3.0 (2.0–6.0)4.0 (2.0–8.0)0.816
VO2peak (mL/kg/min)65.3±5.964.7±5.965.8±5.90.521
Sleeping heart rate (beats per min)44.9±8.144.8±7.945.0±8.40.940
EXDS total score54.7±10.445.9±8.161.5±5.7 0.000
EXDS subscale scores
Withdrawal 7.2±2.45.7±1.98.4±2.2 0.000
Continuance 6.6±3.05.8±2.37.3±3.30.070
Tolerence 8.9±2.97.8±3.09.7±2.6 0.018
Lack of control 6.9±3.04.9±1.78.4±3.0 0.000
Reduction in other activities 6.5±2.15.2±1.37.6±2.1 0.000
Time 11.3±3.110.0±3.312.3±2.5 0.006
Intention 7.2±2.06.4±1.97.9±1.9 0.007
  • Normally distributed data are shown as mean and SD, and non-normally distributed data as median and IQR (IQ 25 and IQ 75 percentiles).