Table 2

Participant’s characteristics*

VariableParticipants (n=40)
Age, mean (SD), years45.23 (24.97)
Male19 (47.5)
Time between injury and assessment in hospital, mean (SD), hours45.15 (121.70)
Sports-related head injuries5 (12.5)
Number of previous concussion, mean (SD)0.35 (0.74)
Hospitalised because of HI in the past6 (15.0)
Diagnosed or treated for headache disorder or migraines11 (27.5)
Diagnosed with learning disabilities or dyslexia2 (5.0)
Diagnosed with ADHD0 (0.0)
Diagnosed with depression, anxiety or sleep disorder8 (20.0)
Currently prescribed medication24 (60.0)
Cause of HI
 Direct blow18 (45.0)
 Fall19 (47.5)
 Motor vehicle collision3 (7.5)
Step 2 score: orientation (0–5), mean (SD)4.65 (0.62)
Step 3 score: immediate memory (0–15), mean (SD)13.58 (2.06)
Step 4 score: total number of symptoms (0–22), mean (SD)11.13 (6.60)
Step 4 score: symptom severity score (0–132), mean (SD)35.93 (28.12)
Symptoms worse with physical activity
 Yes5 (12.5)
 No7 (17.5)
 Unknown28 (70.0)
Symptoms worse with mental activity
 Yes19 (47.5)
 No12 (30.0)
 Unknown9 (22.5)
Step 5 score: balance examination (0–40), mean (SD)24.18 (15.18)
Step 6 score: delayed recall (0–5), mean (SD)3.03 (1.70)
Investigated with a CT scan in ED18 (45.0)
Management of patient
 Discharged home same day37 (92.5)
 Discharged home next day2 (5.0)
 Admitted1 (2.5)
Patients reattending the ED within 30 days3 (7.5)
  • *Values are number (%) of participants unless stated otherwise. If a mean is shown, in brackets is the SD. In brackets after variables that are scored are the potential scores available for that section.

  • ADHD, attention deficient hyperactivity disorder; ED, emergency department; HI, head injury.