Table 1

Patient demographics of smokers and non-smokers

Smokers (n=18)Non-smokers (n=108)P values
Age in years, M (SD)53.6 (11.0)58.7 (8.2)0.08
Gender (%)
 Male7 (38.9)76 (69.1)0.013*
 Female11 (61.1)34 (30.9)
Body mass index,
M (SD)
31.4 (6.8)29.4 (5.8)0.25
Cuff tear index,
M (SD)
5.5 (4.6)3.6 (3.1)0.11
Diabetic (%)
 Yes3 (16.7)13 (11.8)0.56
 No15 (83.3)88.2 (97)
Worker’s compensation (%)
 Yes3 (16.7)5 (4.5)0.06
 No15 (83.3)105 (95.5)
FCI1.8 (1.7)0.91 (1.1)0.04*
ASES42.1 (18.2)52.3 (18.3)0.04*
VAS Pain69.9 (22.8)52.8 (18.3)0.007*
WORC1386.4 (434)1213.2 (370)0.12
  • *Indicates p<0.05.

  • ASES, American Shoulder and Elbow Score; FCI, functional comorbidities index; M, mean; VAS, Visual Analogue Pain Score; WORC, Western Ontario Rotator Cuff index.