Table 1

Substitutions of the English words used for assessing immediate memory and delayed recall in the SAC subscale

Words in original SCAT3Replaced withReasons
Different Chinese vocabulary
ElbowWrist (手腕)Cantonese: 手踭; Mandarin: 手肘
CarpetSlippers (拖鞋)Cantonese: 地氈; Mandarin: 地毯
BabyStudent (學生)Cantonese: 啤啤; Mandarin: 嬰兒
MonkeyLion (獅子)Cantonese: 馬騮; Mandarin: 猴子
BlanketTowel (毛巾)Cantonese: 毛氈; Mandarin: 毛毯
IronTelevision(電視)Cantonese: 燙斗; Mandarin: 熨斗
Not commonly used in Chinese vernacular
SaddleSubway (地鐵)馬鞍
BubbleSoftdrink (汽水)氣泡
WagonTrain (火車)馬車
LemonMelon (西瓜)檸檬 (lemon seldom used in North China)
SandwichBread (麵包)三文治 (three syllables in Cantonese)