Table 1

Baseline characteristics

Number of athletes, n (%) 798
 Male500 (62.7)
 Female298 (37.3)
 Age, years (SD)54.6 (9.5)
Ethnicity, n (%)
 Caucasian700 (87.7)
 Asian/Asian Caucasian46 (5.8)
 South Asian5 (0.6)
 Aboriginal/Aboriginal Caucasian5 (0.6)
 African/African Caucasian5 (0.6)
 Other13 (1.6)
 No response24 (3.0)
 Height, cm (SD)173.2 (9.6)
 Weight, kg (SD)75.0 (14.4)
 Body mass index, kg/m2 (SD)24.8 (3.4)
 Waist circumference, cm (SD)86.6 (10.4)
 Systolic blood pressure, mm Hg (SD)123.5 (15.3)
 Diastolic blood pressure, mm Hg (SD)76.0 (8.3)
 Resting heart rate, bpm (SD)57.9 (9.4)
Marital status, n (%)
 Married/common law655 (82.1)
 Separated/Divorced76 (9.5)
 Single50 (6.3)
 Widowed10 (1.3)
 No response7 (0.9)
Educational level, n (%)
 Did not complete high school10 (1.2)
 Completed high school49 (6.1)
 Vocational/college/undergraduate427 (53.5)
 Graduate/professional degree307 (38.5)
 No response5 (0.6)
Average income, n (%)
 ≤$20 00037 (4.6)
 $20 001–$40 00057 (7.1)
 $40 001–$75 000219 (27.0)
 >$75 000445 (55.8)
 No response40 (5.0)
Level of competition, n (%)
 Recreational535 (67.0)
 Competitive185 (23.2)
 Elite (professional, provincial, national)78 (9.8)
 Weekly training hours, mean (SD)10.9±6.4
 Weekly training volume, MET-hour/week, mean (SD)80.8±44.0
 Years physically active, mean (SD)35.1±14.8
Known cardiovascular risk factors
 Medication use
  Antihypertensive61 (7.7)
  Lipid-lowering18 (2.3)
 Diabetic8 (1.0)
 Current smokers/quit ≤2 years ago8 (1.0)
 Former smoker199 (24.9)
 Obesity65 (8.1)
 Previous atrial fibrillation/flutter23 (2.8)
  Ablation/cardioversion17 (2.1)
 Previous cardiac examination in ≤18 months118 (14.8)
  ECG only61 (7.6)
 ≤3 servings of fruits/vegetables per day (n=791)365 (45.7)
 ≥3 servings per week of red meat (n=795)191 (24.0)
 ≥7 sedentary hours per day (n=697)281 (40.3)
Alcohol consumption (drinks/week)
 Abstainer/former drinker85 (10.6)
 Less than 7435 (58.8)
 ≥7 to 14179 (22.3)
 ≥14 to 2140 (5.0)
 ≥2113 (1.6)
 Heavy drinkers154 (19.3)
 No response3 (0.4)
 Depressed mood88 (11.0)
 Depressed25 (3.1)
  No response67 (8.4)
  • Heavy drinker was defined as (≥5 drinks on one occasion, at least once a month).33 Obesity was defined as body mass index ≥30.33 Depressed mood (adapted from the short form DSM-IV CIDI questionnaire for depression) was defined as feeling sad/blue for >2 weeks. Depression was defined by a positive response to having felt sad, blue or depressed for 2 weeks or more in a row and a positive response to five of the seven additional questions.

  • bpm, beats per minute; DSM-IV CIDI, diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (4th edition) compositive international diagnostic interview; MET-hour/week, metabolic equivalent task hours per week.