Table 1

Characteristicsof included studies assessing siblings on objectively measured physical activityoutcomes(n=19)

Firstauthor, YearCountryAge*SampleSetting/CohortnameTimeperiodNELBAT
Bagley et al,572006Australia5–6, 10–111180ElementaryschoolsJul 2001–Dec 20013
Byun et al,532011USA4.3±0.6331CHAMPSAug 2003–Jan 20063
Gomes et al,422014Portugal9–10686ISCOLESep 2011–Jan 20133
Gomes et al,412017Portugal9–11499ISCOLESep 2011–Jan 20133
Hesketh et al,462006Australia5–6, 10–112458CLAS and HEPS2001–20033
Hinkley et al,522012Australia3–5705HAPPYJul 2008–Oct 20093
Hnatiuk et al,432016England3–4120SPACEJan 2013–Jun 20133
McMinn et al,442011England9.9±0.42071CHASEJan 2006–Feb 20071
McMinn et al,582013England10.3±0.31608SPEEDYApr 2007–Jul 20073
Mitchell et al,402016Canada9–14435STEAMSpring 2011–Spring 20133
Pearce et al,542014UK10.7±0.5427PEACHSep 2006–Jul 20085
Pouliou et al,482015UK76497MCSMay 2008–Aug 20096
Tandon et al,512014USA9.2±1.6713NIKSep 2007–Jan 20093
Van Sluijs et al,472013UK4487SWSMar 2006–Jun 20094
Wang and Qi,452016China10–16612Primaryandsecondary schoolsNot described4
Wijtzes et al,502013Netherlands25±1 months347Generation R StudyDec 2005–Feb 20083
Atkin et al,492013England10.2±0.3854SPEEDYApr 2007–Jul 20083
Crawford et al,552010Australia10–12301CLANJul 2001–Dec 20061
Verloigne et al,562012Belgium10–12372UP4FUN PilotSep 2011–Jan 201210
  • *Values presented aremeans±SDor range of participants age (years), unless otherwise indicated. For longitudinal and intervention studies, age at baseline is presented.

  • CHAMPS, Children’s Activity and Movement in Preschool Study;CHASE, Child Heart And health Study in England;CLAN, Children Living in Active Neighbourhoods;CLAS, Children’s Leisure Activities Study;HAPPY, Healthy Active Preschool Years Study;HEPS, Health, Eating and Play Study;ISCOLE, International Study of Childhood Obesity, Lifestyle and the Environment;MCS, Millennium Cohort Study; NELBAT,NutritionEvidence Library Bias Assessment Tool;NIK, Neighborhood Impact on Kids Study;PEACH, Personal and Environmental Associations with Children’s Health;SPACE, Studying Physical Activity in preschool aged Children and their Environment;SPEEDY, Sport, Physical activity and Eating Behavior Environmental Determinants on Young people; STEAM, Spatial Temporal Environment and Activity Monitoring;SWS, Southampton Women’s Survey.