Table 2

Correlation coefficients, r (p values), between peak flexion angles at the various joints and spine shape mode scores for all 30 individuals performing a freestyle lift.

Peak flexion angles
LumbarPelvisUpper lumbarLower lumbarKneeHip
Pelvis 0.92***
Upper lumbar 0.64*** 0.37*
Lower lumbar 0.63*** 0.33 0.73***
Knee0.86*** 0.81*** 0.60*** 0.50*
Hip0.66*** 0.57** 0.64*** 0.55** 0.64***
Shape modes
 Mode 10.31 (0.09) 0.38 (0.04) * −0.05 (0.81)0.06 (0.75)0.4 (0.03)* −0.11 (0.57)
 Mode 20.32 (0.09)0.33 (0.07)0.21 (0.26)0.13 (0.48)−0.1 (0.59)−0.02 (0.91)
  • Significantly correlated at *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001. Mode 1=curviness; mode 2=evenness.

  • The lumbar region was subdivided as described in online supplementary information.