Table 2

Coach performance on depression questionnaire

As many as 1 in 4 collegiate student-athletes suffers from depression during college. (T)91217921
Depression runs in some families. (T)9723238
Depression can be controlled through willpower. (F)862031534
The prevalence of depression is equal among men and women. (F)4510755130
A change in behaviour is a symptom of depression. (T)781852252
Injury increases a student-athlete’s risk of depression. (T)9823424
Major depression is a treatable medical illness. (T)92218819
A person with depression always feels sad. (F)9923613
The abuse of drugs and alcohol can be a sign of depression. (T)9823424
Major depression is a curable medical illness. (F)429858137
Depression increases a student-athlete's risk of injury. (T)92219819
Student-athletes are less likely than their non-athlete peers to seek help for depression. (T)791872149
  • Coaches answered a mean of ~10 of 12 questions correctly.

  • T, true; F, false.