Table 2

Maximum force (normalised to BW) for each anatomical region during a forward straight-line run at at 5.5 m s 1 (19.8 km/h)

Maximum force (normalised BW)Anatomical regionMT-5 group uninvolved limbEffect size (Cohen's d)MT-5 group injured limb
Forward straight-line runLateral toes 2–5 0.24±0.09−0.1 0.23±0.07
Lateral forefoot 0.89±0.01 −1.5* 0.76±0.01
Lateral midfoot 0.70±0.17−0.1 0.69±0.19
Total foot 2.96±0.30−0.2 2.94±0.19
  • In inter-limb difference within the MT-5 group (injured−uninvolved limb). Green data bars and negative effect size show magnitude of unloading at the injured limb.

  • *Significant difference between groups (p<0.05).

  • BW, bodyweight.