Table 1

Musculoskeletal tests in the Finnish Health Promoting Sports Club study

 Shoulder postureProtrusion of one or both shoulders by inspection from the side scoliometer reading at acromioclavicular joint level.
 Forward bendScoliometer reading from the level of sacrum, iliac crest and lower scapula.
 Iliac crest heightPresence of asymmetry by palpation and inspection from the front.
 Shoulder mobilityDowel on raised straight arms, second dowel fits between head and arms.
Highest score—with ease.
Middle score—with mild resistance.
Lowest score—compensates with cervical protrusion.
 Modified Thomas test46 Presence of marked iliopsoas tightness on one or both sides.
 Navicular drop29 ≥10 mm on either or both sides, side difference ≥2 mm.
 Beighton and Horan joint mobility index47 Generalised joint laxity ≥4 points.* 22
Movement control
 30 s plank48 Ability to remain in correct position for 30 s.
 Deep squat49 Highest score—lumbar spine remains in neutral zone and heels on the floor, dowel on raised straight arms.
Middle score—lumbar spine control not assessed, heels remain on floor, hands behind neck.
Lowest score—heels lifted from floor, hands behind neck.
 Trendelenburg test50 20 cm stance, positive Trendelenburg sign—pelvis tilts toward raised leg.
 One-leg stance39 20 cm stance, normal performance—lateral movement <13 cm, side difference ≤2 cm.
 Vertical drop jump51 First and second landing assessed,52 rating: good–reduced–poor control.53
  • *Ability to put hands flat on the floor with knees straight, elbow and knee hyper extension >10°, ability to bend thumb onto the front of forearm, ability to bend little finger up at 90° to the back of hand.