Language region | German (N) | French (N) | Italian (N) |
Indication of interest in participation* | 571 | 186 | 191 |
Contact by telephone attempted | 195 | 186 | 191 |
Accelerometer and GPAQ questionnaire sent by postal mail†| 129 | 93 | 174 |
Valid accelerometer and questionnaire data for physical activity | 119 | 85 | 150 |
Valid accelerometer and questionnaire data for sitting time | 120 | 86 | 160 |
*A telephone contact was not attempted with all interested individuals in the German-speaking part due to the high number of interested individuals.
†Individuals who did not get an accelerometer and questionnaire either could not be contacted by telephone, declined participation or participation was not feasible.
GPAQ, Global Physical Activity Questionnaire.