Table 3

Sagittal plane centre of pressure parameters during barefoot and shod standing, with eyes open on firm surface

 Flat-sole shoe group (n=7)Rocker-sole shoe group (n=13)
CoPRMSE AP (mm)CoPVEL AP (mm/s)CoPRMSE AP (mm)CoPVEL AP (mm/s)
Barefoot4.78 (2.26)7.03 (2.00)4.39 (1.84)7.19 (1.13)
Shod5.61 (2.33)7.11 (1.27)10.79 (3.01)11.28 (1.93)
Difference between means0.84 (2.03)0.07 (1.20)6.41 (2.97)*4.10 (2.07)*
  • Summary measures represent means (SD) or percentages where indicated (%).

  • *Significant difference within groups between barefoot and shoe conditions (p<0.01).

  • AP, anteroposterior; RMSE, root mean squared error; VEL, velocity.