Table 4

Interobserver (n=3) reliability of Modified Balance Error Scoring System (M-BESS) scores for three different testing conditions

Intraclass correlation coefficient95% CIs
Barefoot on firm surface (control)
 Single leg0.750.64 to 0.84
 Tandem0.710.56 to 0.81
 Total0.750.63 to 0.84
Cleats on FieldTurf*†
 Single leg0.530.36 to 0.68
 Tandem0.520.36 to 0.37
 Total0.600.44 to 0.73
Cleats on firm surface*†
 Single leg0.610.46 to 0.74
 Tandem0.670.54 to 0.79
 Total0.680.54 to 0.79
  • Intraclass correlation coefficients were not estimated for double-leg stance because there were nearly no balancing errors.

  • *Wearing full protective equipment with cleats.

  • †Football players removed their helmets for the M-BESS evaluation.