Table 1

Studies on depression of active athletes

Author, year, countryNumber and characteristics of athletes (M=male; F=female)Response rateAssessment methodResults mean (SD); % (M=male; F=female)
Gulliver 2014,19 Australian224 elite athletes from various sport
M: 106; F: 118
25.1%CES-D cut-off 16M: 10.33
F: 16.67
M: 23.6%; F: 30.5%
Yang et al 2014,14 USA330 NCAA division I American Football players; M: 256; F: 13188.9%/84.3%CES-D cut-off 1620.0%
Proctor and Boan-Lenzo 2010,15 USA66 male division I baseball playersNot reportedCES-D cut-off 16M: 8.76 (SD=0.82)
M: 15.6%
Armstrong and Oomen-Early 2009,12 USA104 NCAA division I athletes from various sport; M: 47; F: 57Not reportedCES-D cut-off 16M: 11.70 (SD=6.86)
F: 15.49 (SD=10.34)
Yang et al 2007,13
257 NCAA division I athletes from various sport; M: 167; F: 9077.3%CES-D cut-off 16M: 19.2%
F: 25.6%
Brewer and Petrie 1995,16 USA (zit from11)916 NCAA division I American Football playersCES-D cut-off 1627%
Nixdorf et al 2013,20 Germany162 athletes from various type and level of sport; M: 104; F: 58Not reportedCES-D cut-off 23M: 12.6 (SD missing)
F: 13.4 (SD missing)
Weigand et al 2013,17 USA163 NCAA athletes from various sport; gender: not reported49.4%Wakefield Depression Scale >148.67 (SD=5.75)
Storch et al 2005,18
105 division I athletes from various sport;
M: 54; F: 51
Not reportedDepression subscale of PAIM: 3.7%
F: 9.8%
Spengler et al 2013,22 Germany150 elite and recreational athletes;
Gender: not reported
57.7%WHO-515% recommended for further evaluation for depression
Gouttebarge et al 2015,23 6 countries149 male professional football player29%GHQ-1226% symptoms of anxiety and depression
Hammond et al 2013,24 Canada50 swimmers competing at national level;
M: 28; F: 22
Not reportedSemistructured interview for DSM-IV, BDI-234% based on DSM-IV interview
37% mild or moderate symptoms based on BDI-2
Schaal et al 2011,21 France2067 (17%) athletes’ evaluations, representative for age and genderDoes not applyMedical reports3.6% recent or ongoing depression
  • BDI-2, Beck Depression Inventory-2; CES-D, Centre of Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale; DSM, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders; GHQ-12, General Health Questionnaire 12; NCAA, National Collegiate Athletic Association; PAI, Personality Assessment Inventory; WHO-5, WHO-Five Well-being Index.