Table 3

Dyssynchrony indexes in athletes and controls

AthletesControlsp Value
S-L-delay (ms)706010012085701001200.159
Max-LV-delay (ms)105901201601101001281460.574
RV-LV-delay (ms)807010012785601001560.775
  • Data presented as median with 25th, 75th and 95th percentiles. S-L-delay, largest difference in TS between basal septum and LV lateral wall and LV anterior and posterior wall; Max-LV-delay, largest difference in TS between all 12 LV segments; TS-SD, SD of TS in all 12 LV segments; RV-LV-delay, difference in TS between basal RV free wall and LV lateral wall.

  • LV, left ventricular; RV, right ventricular; TS, time from onset of the QRS complex to s′.