Table 2

ECG data at rest

ATHCONp Value*
PQ interval
 <120 ms1(108 ms)1(108 ms)1.0
 120 to 220 ms45(120 to 210 ms)46(120 to 220 ms)
 Mean154±22 ms153±24 ms0.842
QRS duration
 ≤100 ms41(76 to 100 ms)43(70 to 100 ms)0.740
 >100, <120 ms5(104 to 112 ms)4(102 to 112 ms)
 Mean92±8 ms88±9 ms0.019
QRS axis
 −30° to 90°39(−8° to 90°)44(2° to 90°)
 >90°7(91° to 106°)2(96° to 103°)
QTc interval
 <460 ms43(376 to 457 ms)47(383 to 456 ms)0.117
 ≥460 ms3(463 to 499 ms)0
 Mean428±26 ms428±18 ms0.990
  • *Statistical significance tested with Student t test for means, Fisher's exact test for two categorical variables and χ2 for three categorical variables. Data presented as number of participants (n) with range of measurements, as well as group means with SDs.