TableĀ 2

Mean (SD) data describing the ROM for each sequence

Competitive (n=29)
Spinal regionROM (degrees)CTPECBSTraining (n=14)
CervicalFlexion16.6 (10.6)18.1 (9.3)11.1 (8.2)
Extension16.9 (11.2)17.8 (9.9)18.2 (5.5)
Right side flexion20.8 (11.3)18.5 (9.8)16.1 (8.7)
Left side flexion*19.1 (13.3)*19.5 (12.3)*9.9 (5.3)*
Right rotation*24.9 (10.0)*20.9 (9.1)14.3 (9.7)*
Left rotation14.8 (10.6)12.8 (7.8)17.4 (9.1)
Upper thoracicFlexion10.6 (5.4)8.9 (7.3)9.0 (5.4)
Extension25.1 (13.5)22.1 (10.0)13.6 (5.3)
Right side flexion11.4 (6.8)10.6 (6.2)8.3 (5.0)
Left side flexion15.8 (9.9)15.3 (11.8)9.2 (6.1)
Right rotation10.7 (7.3)14.7 (12.5)10.6 (5.7)
Left rotation*21.7 (10.8)*16.0 (9.6)12.0 (11.1)*
Lower thoracicFlexion5.1 (5.4)4.7 (6.6)4.0 (4.9)
Extension17.4 (10.3)16.0 (9.0)16.1 (6.3)
Right side flexion7.6 (4.7)6.7 (4.0)8.5 (6.4)
Left side flexion*16.6 (5.5)*15.3 (7.4)*8.0 (3.8)*
Right rotation9.9 (7.2)14.0 (11.6)6.8 (3.7)
Left rotation13.2 (6.8)12.0 (5.8)9.4 (6.5)
Upper lumbarFlexion43.1 (12.3)42.3 (11.0)42.4 (10.3)
Extension0.8 (3.0)0.4 (0.8)0.8 (1.6)
Right side flexion7.9 (6.0)7.2 (4.8)6.9 (6.1)
Left side flexion10.9 (6.3)10.6 (6.3)7.6 (4.3)
Right rotation13.5 (5.9)12.9 (7.9)9.7 (9.9)
Left rotation7.7 (7.4)8.0 (6.8)6.4 (4.6)
Lower lumbarFlexion14.2 (12.5)16.1 (17.1)11.3 (12.0)
Extension9.8 (7.4)11.6 (9.1)9.9 (5.6)
Right side flexion7.5 (5.1)9.4 (6.7)7.2 (6.3)
Left side flexion8.3 (6.4)10.1 (9.0)7.9 (6.7)
Right rotation12.6 (10.1)10.0 (10.9)10.1 (8.6)
Left rotation11.9 (10.3)15.9 (12.0)10.0 (8.7)
  • *Statistically significant difference (p<0.05).

  • CBS, Crouch-bind-set; CTPE, Crouch-touch-pause-engage; ROM, range of motion.